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Command list


-battle invite <@user>

Invite a user to a PVP battle,
The invited user has to answer with

or No

-battle fight

The actual attack in a battle,
You have to answer with your attack
For example:

or Cast



You start your character,
first you choose your Race
this can be,

, Elf, Human or Orc

After you choose a race.

You can now choose a class,
You can choose by typing the name
You can choose from

, Knight, Mage Or Thief



You get a link to the botstatus website,
the botstatus website is in development.



Is the same as -daily

you get a certain amount of
gold, crates, keys, wood, stone, metal.

Cooldown for checkin (Daily) is 24 hours.



You chop down a nearby tree,
and gain a random amount of wood.

Wood can be used to get Gold or for Crafting/Reforge



Shows a menu
about the basic commands

also sends you a link to this web page.


/ -lb

You open one of your crates,
uses 1 crate and 1 key,

You can get normal, rare and legendary
armor and weapons from them.



Is the same as

you get a certain amount of
gold, crates, keys, wood, stone, metal.

Cooldown for checkin (Daily) is 24 hours.


-equip weapon

Set or change the current item for your character to wear
you select the weapon with the number in your inventory
For example:

-equip weapon 4

-equip armor

Set or change the current item for your character to wear
you select the armor with the number in your inventory
For example:

-equip armor 4



You have to type the
-fight command
each time you want to fight again.

you get the option to attack the monster
or run away at first.
For example:

Yes/y Or No/n

After you accept a battle with a monster.
You can choose between attacking or healing.

You can always use
-heal outside fight (not in pvp)

You get the following choices

(Ex. Cast or Swing),
Second attack (if level 30+),

Once you have completed your action
you will have to redo the process over again.

-fight -> (Action) -> -fight -> (Action)

Until you have defeated the monster
or you died.



You start fishing in a nearby creek.
Your catch all depends on luck!
Your catch can be positive or negative.

will be automatically sold for gold


-guild represent

You represent the guild your typing in.
Guild = discord server.

-guild info

You get the basic guild info
such as name, title, level, bonus

-guild promote <@user>

This is a server owner command.

You promote a user to be a officer in your guild.

-guild demote <@user>

This is the server owner command.

You demote a user to be a officer in your guild.

-guild tag <tag>

This is a Officer or Server Owner command.

The guild tag is 4 characters long,
can only be alphabetical and numeric.

-guild Leaders

Shows the Guild leader
and the guilds officers.

-guild mission

Shows the current guild mission.

missions can be:

Collect 200 wood,
Collect 120 metal,
Check-in 10 times,
Kill 400 Oofers,
Kill 100 Goblins,
Donate 35000 gold to your guild.

-guild Donate <amount>

You donate a certain amount of gold to your guild.
10.000 Gold = +1 Guild bonus.
20.000 Gold = +2 Guild bonus.

You can donate any amount (not negative amounts)



You will be shows a menu with:

How to start,
Support server invite,
The bot invite and the invite command,
The Command webpage link,
The website link,
The donation link!



You heal for a certain amount of Hp.
25, 55 hp

You cant heal in battle with another user.
More healing potions will be added.



Shows you current Hp
You heal 1 to 3 Hp every minute automatically

0 = death <_<
100 = max health

-hp buy <amount>

You buy a certain amount of health potions.
Health potion value is based on your level.

level 0+ 5g
level 10+ 10g
level 30+ 15g
level 50+ 20g
Level 70+ 25g



You get a link to the website,
who is in the team

what library solyx uses.


-inventory / -inv

Shows your supplies, items and gear.

Gold, Wood, Stone, Metal, Keys, Crates, Health potion.
Your Armor and Weapons.



Get the Bot invite
so you can add it to your own server!


-leaderboard users
-top users

Get the leaderboard of all registered players!

-leaderboard guilds
-top guilds

Get the leaderboard of all registered Guilds(servers)!



Shows all current items on the market.
and info about items.

-market buy <id>

-market buy 387317544228487168

Buys the market item that you copied the id from!

-market sell <number>

This will first ask for a confirmation
if you want to sell this item on the market

If you already have a item in the market it will show you
and if you want to replace it.

You can only have 1 item on the market.

Different rarities have a different price range.

Basic: 1.000g - 5.000g
Common: 1.000g - 10.000g
Rare: 5.000g - 50.000g
Legendary: 10.000g - 500.000g
Mythical: 500.000g+



You mine a nearby stone,
and gain a random amount of stone and metal.

Stone and metal can be used to get Gold or for Crafting/Reforge


-prefix <prefix>

Set a custom prefix for solyx!



Shows your own profile card!

-profile @user

Shows @users profile card!



Shows your own rank card!


Shows @users rank card!

Add Solyx!

Add the bot!

Support Server

Support server

Want to support us?
Get benefits in game?
